
to Bobbie Bell's

Literary World

Where Stories Come to Life, Dream become a Reality and Words Take You on Uncharted Paths of Self-Improvement and Growth!


Bobbie Bell

Bobbie Bell is a true man of God. He has played soccer most of his life. He has won championships in college, and played professional soccer. Bobbie Bell worked for the department of corrections and retired after 20 years of service. He obtained a personal trainer and nutrition certification. He is now learning about the spirit from the best teacher possible. The highest God. With assistance from his human angels on earth. Bobbie is now on a journey to obtain true freedom and to heal. His goal is to heal as many beautiful souls as possible. In the process maintaining his physical and spiritual fitness.

A quote from the great Bob Marley, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.” Some say

Bobbie is homeless, he says he’s on a journey to discover what true freedom is. Also to learn from the Holy Spirit, nature, and the Supreme Being known as God.

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The Boy Named Bobbie

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Growing up and living such an eventful life. I always said to myself, “I’m gonna start a journal and eventually write a book.” I wanted to share my stories and wonderful experiences with everyone. Someone on the planet would enjoy my stories. Someone may even learn from my wins or my losses. I never started that journal. Thank God for giving us the ability to remember.

You know how people say, you’re not alone, you always have God, and God is always by your side? It is true, it is fact! I have seen and lived it. You are not alone, don’t give up. God is factually present in your heart. Do your own research. The closer you get to him, the more you’ll feel the power of his presence in and around you. May God bless you!

Bobbie’s Updates

Here’s our corner for daily updates where we make and break life’s norms, learn new ways to do things that we never knew could make our lives successful

We often come across situations in life that try our resolve and fortitude. The narrative presented above serves as a reminder of …

Researchers and scholars working on a child’s physical and mental health have listed some negative experiences as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), among …

Life, as we know, gives us frequent chances to face turning points in our lives that mold our experiences and determine where …

The vivid storytelling and raw emotions in this book make it impossible to put it down. Mr. Bell has created a literary work that has the power to change lives. As an author myself, I can sense this book inspiring readers to soar higher and embrace the flames of transformation.
Lindsay White: Author of “Love by the numbers”
This is not just a memoir but a beautifully written masterpiece, rich with evocative descriptions and emotional depth. Bobbie's introspective and thought-provoking style enables readers to draw parallels between their lives and the his own experiences. The life lessons shared in this book will remain etched in the hearts of readers, serving as a source of inspiration.
Michelle Langmack: Author and Influencer
What struck me most about this narrative is the author's unapologetic authenticity. This story is not just about conquering adversity; it digs into the intricate layers of his life. It's an exploration of cultural diversity, the nuances of friendships, and the pursuit of dreams within the backdrop of hardship. This isn't just a one-dimensional narrative.
Jerry L. Lane: Artist, Author, and Poet
The vivid storytelling and raw emotions in this book make it impossible to put it down. Mr. Bell has created a literary work that has the power to change lives. As an author myself, I can sense this book inspiring readers to soar higher and embrace the flames of transformation.
Lindsay White: Author of “Love by the numbers”
What struck me most about this narrative is the author's unapologetic authenticity. This story is not just about conquering adversity; it digs into the intricate layers of his life. It's an exploration of cultural diversity, the nuances of friendships, and the pursuit of dreams within the backdrop of hardship. This isn't just a one-dimensional narrative.
Jerry L. Lane: Artist, Author, and Poet
This is not just a memoir but a beautifully written masterpiece, rich with evocative descriptions and emotional depth. Bobbie's introspective and thought-provoking style enables readers to draw parallels between their lives and the his own experiences. The life lessons shared in this book will remain etched in the hearts of readers, serving as a source of inspiration.
Michelle Langmack: Author and Influencer